Scaling ASP.Net Application

Writing your code for better scaling. What do I mean by saying something is scaling? In general scale is a measure of users/requests/connections per scale unit (machine, container). There are two types of scaling: horizontal and vertical one. By horizontal scaling we mean adding more units of Scale (VMs/machines/containers) and by vertical scale we think … Czytaj dalej Scaling ASP.Net Application

Serialization with protobuf, implementing IEquatable

Hey! It's been a while, like always :). But lately I had a need to use the protobuf. What is protobuf you might ask. It's created by google and according to what they say it is: "Protocol buffers are a language-neutral, platform-neutral extensible mechanism for serializing structured data".  Assume that you need to serialize some … Czytaj dalej Serialization with protobuf, implementing IEquatable